After finishing our first park, mayor Allard announced his last project before the election process that we’ll have in the next year. It will be the creation on a new one-way road that will finally divide the charge of traffic at our village entrance through the main highway road, where a lot of drivers who work at our industries merge with the ones coming from Bergburg’s roundabout, creating some traffic jams that seriously affect our daily lives
This new project will take a good chunk of next year’s expenses, as it’s being estimated to a minimum of 65000 skibbles, but taking the expected improvement on our main city entrance, it’s considered a priority if we want to keep growing as an industrial town. Also, we shouldn't forget that's the problem when we need so many outside workers for our new investors and we hope in the future we can get more citizens to come living at Ternat, as a lot of workers would love to live at our beautiful town instead of taking a long drive and ending in a traffic jam as it’s happening right now.