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Ternats Tyrant

Hello, citizens of Yellow Hill.

My name is Pierre Mendy and you might know me as the brave hero who stood up against mayor Allard and his 5G towers (a problem which is unfortunately still unresolved).

The time has come for me to once again stand up against the tyrants of the Ternat government.

Mayor Dylan has decided that the house my father built with his own two hands, the house where my mother cooked meals which she served the less fortunate people in our lovely common areas, and all its neighboring houses are now considered a worthless piece of shit.

One morning, while enjoying a lovely cup of coffee on the balcony I just replaced the decking on, I got a visit from a sleazy lawyer and his goon. He told me the court had ruled that my neighborhood was going to be demolished for new and more fancy houses. Just like that, deleting a part of Ternat worker class history.

To compensate for this brutal eviction, we were offered a brand-new apartment on the other side of Ternat. Most of my neighbors were tricked into thinking this was a good offer, but not me, I know better.

I refused the dirty offer from mayor Dylan and have now decided to chain myself to my front door to protest. I’m begging you fellow Ternations, join my demonstration, let's rise against these so-called leaders! As an incentive I will offer anyone who joins a free immunity hat, to protect you from the 5G towers.

Best Regards

Pierre Mendy

This is a sponsored post, written and published by one of our readers. The Yellow Hill Morning Post has no influence on the text, the pictures, and everything regarding this article

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