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Latest News

How it works

What will be posted?

Pretty much anything you can imagine. Interviews with somebody in the city, news about companies or about fictional events in Yellow Hill. There are no borders. 

I'll post things from time to time, but you as a player may also participate and send your articles to me. Either through the Contact Us Tab, or via Discord. (LnadTV#1967)

Also, if your company has got any new news that you want to share, this site is the perfect space for it. 

The purpose of this site

The purpose is to have a place for all news in Yellow Hill, without reading thousands of Discord messages and to make this whole project more exciting. You can visit this site from time to time to stay updated, or you can subscribe to the newsletter and get the most important news via e-mail!

Run an Advertisement:

This site will be financed through Advertisements. Your company, political parties or anything else may run advertisements. These will cost an amount of Skibbles. We'll discuss an offer individually. 

If you're interested in advertising here, just contact me through Discord PM to LnadTV#1967



Send me your advert as a png (300x580px) 

You may also send me a link to your companies site. A click on your advert will then redirect to your site. 

Please contact me only via Discord if it's regarding an advertisement. Unfortunately, WIX doesn't support file upload. 

Please consider that I will pre-approve your advert to assure that there is no unwanted content in it. This contains sexism, racism and more. I may change your advert if needed. 


You want to post news, an interview or something else on the site? Thanks for your support!

You may send it to me via the contact-form or Discord (LnadTV#1967)

It should contain a Title, maybe subtitle and text. 

You may also send pictures if you want to. (Through Discord). 

Please consider that I will pre-approve your post to assure that there is no unwanted content in it. This contains sexism, racism and more. I may change your post if needed. 


About the Yellow Hill Morning Post

The Yellow Hill Morning Post is a newspaper founded in 1929, writing about anything regarding Yellow Hill. Our newspaper is well known as the most reliable in whole Yellow Hill with a long tradition of journalism. 

We are currently available in:


This newspaper is owned and operated by the Lnad Global Investments Group. Read more about us on our website. 

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