Mar 10, 2021
Jul 2, 2021
Jun 26, 2021
We asked Dylan questions about his private life, as well as his promises for the mayorship. We try our best to give you a good insight in the plans of the participants, so you make the best decision for you.
Read his answers and plans down below:
Why did you decide to participate in the elections?
I am participating in the elections because I know that there is a lot to be done in the village of Ternat. I know that the public has lots of opinions on what they want to be done. That's why I want to combine these points from the public with my own vision, creating a new plan, which also is as realistic as possible. Doing this, I want to give back to the people of Ternat.
Tell us the most important thing about your personality.
If I am interested in something, I will work really hard for it and put a lot of time and effort into it. I also really enjoy communicating with people. Whether this is with friends having a good laugh, or in a professional setting trying to make people feel comfortable and handling situations correctly. These are also two of my characteristics that I hope will help me as a mayor.
What would you consider as the most important thing that has to be done in Ternat?
In my eyes, the most important thing is not simply a single project on the list, but a collective thing. I want to take care of Ternat as a whole, doing my best listening to residents and keeping them happy, all while caring for the economy, safety, and reputation of Ternat as well. This cannot be achieved through one specific project and is something I want to work on for the entirety of the upcoming term.
Addressing all of the peoples complaints is a huge goal. Nearly unreachable. How can we ensure that you'll actually look at the wishes?
First of all, as stated in the post I made on my website regarding my candidacy, I will open up a page where anyone can send in their ideas and/or complaints. I will make sure to look at the new responses every other day. When making new plans and decisions, I will take all of these responses into consideration. Secondly, I like to solve problems in a democratic manner. When coming up with new plans, I will often give people multiple choices. You will be able to vote on the website on which plan or project you like most. By doing this, I intend to give the people more control.
You wrote about better roads, as well as public transport. Which is your priority and why?
I want to start working on improving roads for a couple of reasons. Firstly, although car traffic can be reduced by introducing public transport, it can’t easily be brought down to zero. Because the streets will always have cars, I find it important to work on that first. Secondly, existing roads can already easily be modified to allow for better traffic flow. Think about changing the lane composition, speed limit, traffic rules, policies, etc. These modifications don’t have a large impact on the budget and require minimal changes to the surrounding areas.
Why is it an important point that we move away from contracts with other cities?
I consider this to be important for three main reasons:
This will make Ternat more independent. This way, if outside contractors change the pricing, lower their offerings, or stop supplying their services completely, our village will not be affected by this.
This will support local businesses, providing them with funds to help create their own facilities.
This will benefit the economy as Ternat will be able to offer these services to other cities.
Where can we find more information?
For more information, you can check the website at Under the ‘Running for mayor’ tab, you can find all of the information currently available. You can read about my points, what I stand for, and other general information there. If I become the mayor for this term, you will also be able to find frequent updates, polls, and more on the homepage!
Give us three short reasons why the people should vote for you?
I will listen to all of your ideas and complaints, taking these into consideration when making big decisions.
I am doing this for the village of Ternat, and not for myself. That’s why I strive to give you as much satisfaction as possible
I will invest in the future of Ternat, so the decisions made during this term will also contribute to our village in the long run.
Do you have anything left to say to the population of Ternat?
I want to wish everybody a safe election. Please vote for the candidate of your own choice and don’t let other people pressure you into doing otherwise. Vote for whom you personally want to see in that office during the next term. And please know that if you don’t vote for me, I will obviously still support you if I end up being elected and you will have as much input as everyone else.
Please note: This is NOT a sponsored posts. The questions were entirely written by the YHMP Team. This may be different for other posts regarding the elections.
It was an absolute pleasure answering these questions!