Since Mayor Räphael Allard started his plan for the modernization of Ternat, our village has really boomed with investors and new companies who are changing our landscape in a way that was never seen before. Those investors are solving some of the issues we had, also creating new ones, but from the huge income we’re getting from selling our land there are two big historical buildings who need to be addressed: the fortress and the Mercure market.
It seems the restoration of the destroyed fortress is actually being in the municipal council’s list for this legislature, but the Mercure market isn’t. Built in the 19th Century during the boom of the Exposition Universelle of Paris, this building hosted the regional market twice a week for more than a century, but it was also used for a lot of local activities, like the first cinema of the area, different concerts, reunions, festivities… The historical value for our last 100 years is too important, but now it’s closed, considered too old for a modern use as a market.
While that might be true for a building so old, totally lacking the infrastructure for the actual needs of electricity and internet network some sellers were demanding, the shining new market is just an idealized idea that doesn’t even have a company in charge of the construction plan. So, instead of keeping our old building working, Allard decided to close it because it will be demolished for a new one… that nobody has planned yet and we are already losing a place that means a lot for our seniors, as it’s just closed. A lot of citizens are asking to renovate it so it keeps being used as it was before; others are thinking to make it a new historical building as we did with Ternat Philip Memorial House and only those very loyal to Allard are actually going with the idea of demolishing it for a new one, what would have a huge swing to our Budget and will make us lose a place that was important for our town. Different ideas and zero solutions for a situation that is being the stain on Allard’s term so far. Will it keep being there at the next elections?