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Ternats best-known person faces our questions

The team of the YHMP asked a very the most critical questions ins the whole Yellow Hill region to a very special person this time. Some people call him the best-known person in Yellow Hill. But what's certain, is that he's the richest and most influential person. We all know him. I'm obviously talking about Martijn Coenen, CEO, and founder of the Yellow Hill Hospitality Investments.

We wanted to know about his success, his private life, or his work-life balance and asked him our 7 questions.

Read his very interesting answers here:

Why aren't you, as a person with such a big influence not participating in the elections?

A great question! While we sometimes disagree with the mayor and had our issues I have to keep my priorities at my current job as CEO of YHHI and my family. I have a daughter of almost 2 years old and we are expecting a son in May, so I cannot see how I can combine this with the office of the Mayor. I'm a people person, so my personal number one are my wife and kids.

Tell us something about the YHHI. How did you start and how did the company evolve over the years?

I started YHHI as an extension of my love for bars and restaurants. Running a little bar is fun, but I needed some money to invest in better and diverse restaurants and bars. As there is no Big Money in this business I decided to go into construction and Real Estate selling. That's why my company was the first in Ternat to build a Construction Company. While it lowers the price for construction for our self, we can also help other entrepreneurs with lowering their cost. And while we have a new construction company in town, we see that our partners remain loyal and we are happy with that, as they help us and we help them. We really like the commitment, trust and opportunities we create together. This year we also got a new logo that we really like. More modern design and it shows what we would like to give to people: Luxury and Pleasure. Not only those with high income, by the way, we like to give it to everyone in town. That's why we still have plans for a big Wellness Resort. We offered it to the current Mayor but sadly he declined. But it's on the top of our list.

Would you mind telling us about your next plans, if there are any?

At this moment we have long-term agreements with 10 other companies to help them with their constructions. We are dedicated to them and where ever we can we do anything for them. Be it getting some land in the fast selling process, building cheap and fast, or do the lobbying with the Mayor. We are proud of this and that they trust and rely on our company. We find such mutual trust and commitment very important in our way of doing business: "corporate social responsibility" isn't just a name.

Do you have a goal that you want to achieve in life?

My personal goal is simple: Help other people grow and be happy. From my family to the residents of the towns in Yellow Hill. If we can achieve this, I would be a very happy man!

What's your personal definition of success?

My definition of success? Well, my big example is Elon Musk: Have a vision and do it, fail, do it again. No matter what other people say. If you reach your vision, you have success. And that's not defined in Skibbles, Euro's, or Dollars. It's what you want to be and do.

How do you split your business life with your private life?

My personal life and business are well split at this moment. I'm not taking my work to my house. When I close the door at the office it's done. But if you need to reach me, you can always send me a message. If there is the urgency I make time for you. But in principle, my time for my family is for my family.

The YHHI has grown to a big company very fast. Do you have any tips for newcomers?

Feel welcome! If you need any help, do not fear to ask for it! We are here to help you grow.

Very interesting to learn about Martijn, don't you think?

Feel free to comment your thoughts! And also, let us know which person we should interview next!

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