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St. Peter elections: IS HAVVKZ the right one this time?

After losing the elections in Ternat to Dylan, he won't give up and also participates in the next elections for St. Peter. We asked him different questions to learn about his mayor-promises and to give you the best perspective on whom you should vote for.

So, first of all, the most of us know you as the CEO of Norwegian Development. Tell us a little more about you

I’m a hard worker and I get stuff done; this is why my boss put me in charge of NorDevs businesses in the Yellow Hill region. What I like the most about this project is how it brings people together and the engagement it creates for both the inhabitants of the Yellow Hill region and the investors. I want to build upon this engagement and create a better St Peter for everybody.

You lost to Dylan in the Ternat elections. As far as I see, this wasn't a throwback to participate again, now in St. Peter. Why did you decide to run for the mayor here?

In the Ternat election I lost to a better candidate, he had a better and broader plan, whilst mine was very specific. This made my plan very achievable but also made it look like I only had 4 small projects in mind for Ternat. I’ve learned from my mistakes in the election and hope my new plan is better received by the voters. As to why I’m running for mayor again: it’s simply because I feel like I have more to give this region, things that is hard for me to do only through my company.

Not like in Ternat, you created a website for this election. Why did you decide to do so? Do you hope to get a better chance through it?

Like I said I’ve analyzed my previous campaign and found some weaknesses. You can have the best plan in the world, but it won’t matter if you can’t visualize it in a good way and I felt I achieved that better through a website. This website also lets me update on townhall news should I be the one to win the election.

Now to your projects. It is not seen often that somebody talks about financials this open and clear. Is transparency one of your main qualities of you as the mayor?

Transparency is for sure something I aim for. The problems the town will face are dynamic of nature and might require a different solution than we initially thought. If this is the case, I will be clear about why I made these decisions on my website.
St Peter is in a dire financial situation right now and basically only live of property sales. I’ve always spoken out about how important sustainability is, both in nature and in finance, and this is not sustainable. If I’m not able to achieve any of my other goals but I can leave St Peter in a more prosperous way than what I got it, I will say my term was successful.

You have big plans in the public transport area, especially with ferries. The main criticism here is that they are slow and burn a lot of fuel, so not very environmentally friendly. Wouldn't it be time to give St. Peter its own train station?

I would love to have a train station in St Peter but there are some issues involved in this. First of all, building the necessary infrastructure would be too expensive, especially with the financial situation we have today. Trains are almost never profitable and needs to be subsidized through government funding. Secondly, ferries can run on biofuel or electricity and they take traffic of the roads in a more direct way than other alternatives. We already have a working ferry line to the monastery island and expanding on this would only make sense.
And last but not least, ferries provide a different way to experience our beautiful region.

Where can we find more information?

You can find more information on my website

Do you anything left to say to the population of St. Peter?

Show up for the election and vote for who you think is the best candidate! If you have any questions or any ideas you would like to share with me, you are more than welcome to send me a message on discord or in the YouTube comments of the YH episodes.
I’d like to thank Yellow Hill Morning Post for this interview and the chance to communicate my ideas. You guys did a fantastic job for the Ternat election and I’m sure you will do that for the St Peter election too!

Interesting, wasn't it? Do you already have a favorite candidate? Let us know in the comments below!

Please note: This is NOT a sponsored posts. The questions were entirely written by the YHMP Team. This may be different for other posts regarding the elections.

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